More Than Meets the AI: How alive is alive enough?

I’m alive, I’m alive, I’m not alive, I’m Maroon 5. Whoops, sorry for that gibberish. We’re not sure how that got in here. Other than, you know, the fact that a human pretty much had to type it. Ahem. Cough. Cough.  In this issue:  -Moving goalposts (504 words) -How alive is alive enough? (463 words) …

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Men are from Earth and so are women because the gendered brain is a myth

There’s as much evidence to support the idea of a “gendered brain” as there is for ghosts and a flat Earth. It’s always interesting to see which of those myths people choose to believe, which they vehemently reject, and how rare it is to find someone with an evidence-based view on all three. To be …

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Non-pathological hypersexuality for the non-lobotomized

Lobotomies were legal in the US as recently as 1967. That might sound like a long time ago, but considering only two years later we’d put humans on the Moon, it doesn’t feel like a practice that should have persisted for so long. And, yet, a cursory review of the most common reasons for lobotomizing …

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A scientific mystery: Why do people sleep better when they’re in love?

A pair of researchers from the Australian National University and the University of Helsinki recently published a fascinating paper discussing the scientific relationship between romantic love and sleep. Apparently, there’s a commonly-held belief that people experiencing romantic love sleep better than folks who aren’t. Per the duo’s paper: “Romantic love is commonly associated with a change …

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Study finds ‘quarantine-related plague of anxiety’ can be mitigated with sex

A team of prestigious researchers from Rome published a fascinating study earlier this year confirming what we’ve been saying at Love is a Fetish for years: some people enjoy having sex. This might not be breaking news to anybody, but the research is intriguing. The haves and the have nots The team conducted a survey with …

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Here’s why your brain has a mind of its own when it comes to sexual fantasies

A significant percentage of adults experience strong sexual fantasies. But why? Scientists have tried to explain human thought patterns by observing brain activity, studying human response to stimuli, and conducting innumerable studies. This is useful in explaining what’s going on when I try to think of something sexual. But to the best of our knowledge, …

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Amnesty for sapiosexuals

I’m going to share an embarrassing story. Once, not long after my internship, I was approaching a deadline, and the person I was supposed to interview emailed to let me know they couldn’t make our call. They wanted to know if we could do the interview via email. I was over the moon. As someone …

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Scientists think depression may affect your vision

  A team of researchers from universities in Finland recently published a study indicating that people undergoing depressive episodes may also experience reduced visual contrast suppression. In other words: maybe the world really does look gloomier when we’re feeling down. The researchers enlisted 140 participants split between a 29 person control group and a 111 …

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If you think there are only two genders you are really bad at science

  What’s that? There are only two genders? People are either born male or female? That doesn’t sound right to me but – oh, you say it’s science? Mmhm. Yep. I see. So you’re saying that biology and psychology clearly and empirically demonstrate the existence of a binary gender construct for homo sapiens? Facts don’t …

Go on…If you think there are only two genders you are really bad at science

5 reasons why you should start a mini water propagation garden today