“Don’t be a dick” My first TikTok song

They say to do one thing every day that scares you. I would say this certainly qualifies. I sang a little song and created a stop motion video out of clay and used a “chipmunk” voice effect to create a cute little video that I am quite proud of.


Don’t be a dick 🍄 #stopmotion #clay dontbeadick #mushroom #benice

♬ Monkeys Spinning Monkeys – Kevin MacLeod & Kevin The Monkey


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  • Nikki

    Nikki is a photographer, writer, artist, and advocate of radical self-love. She writes about mental health, gaming, sex, and inclusivity.

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2 thoughts on ““Don’t be a dick” My first TikTok song

  1. Loved the video
    Read through the search list of the word find and thought this is outstanding I will need to print one out for each adult in the house!

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