Lingerie is For Everyone

Lingerie is For Everyone is a project that celebrates all that lingerie is and can be. A celebration of all bodies draped in sexy, silky, slinky, lacey, soft cottony glory. LiFE is a safe space to honor the fact that lingerie is for all bodies, no matter the size, shape, color, sexuality, or gender of the human wearing it.
You don’t have to wait until you’re feeling sexy and have the time to create a perfect moment, with fancy lights and remotes. Lingerie is for everyone, every body, and every mood. Put on a soft slinky nightgown, or some cute, comfy boyshorts and long fuzzy socks that feel good, and curl up and read a book if you feel sad. Rock that scorching leather chest harness over a tanktop when you’re pissed off, and channel that energy into something positive, like embracing the badass bitch that you are.
Don’t wait until the “time is right”. Enjoy your lingerie and your body, because it’s beautiful, and it’s fucking yours. You deserve to feel good all of the time, not just when you’re showing off for someone else. However, if you do feel the urge to share your thoughts, we would love to hear about it . (Psst! Did you know if you said “lingerie is for everyone” out loud three times, the lingerie fairy comes and graces you with an extra bit of confidence any time you wear your lingerie? Tell everyone!)
Lingerie is For Everyone is a project adopted from the beautiful and talented Violet Fawkes. Check out what she’s working on here!


  • Nikki

    Nikki is a photographer, writer, artist, and advocate of radical self-love. She writes about mental health, gaming, sex, and inclusivity.

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