More than meets the AI: The ultimate trust fall

Your AI chatbot name is your middle name, plus the name of the first car you owned, and your credit card number. Paypal me $25 and I’ll tell you my secret for getting total strangers to give you money. The check is in the mail.  Trust me. In this issue: The ultimate trust fall (754 …

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More Than Meets the AI: How alive is alive enough?

I’m alive, I’m alive, I’m not alive, I’m Maroon 5. Whoops, sorry for that gibberish. We’re not sure how that got in here. Other than, you know, the fact that a human pretty much had to type it. Ahem. Cough. Cough.  In this issue:  -Moving goalposts (504 words) -How alive is alive enough? (463 words) …

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More than meets the AI: The chatbots are here. Now what?

Bing plus ChatGPT! Google and Bard! Baidu and … uhh.. Ernie bot? Okay. Sure. Baidu and Ernie bot! 2023 is the year of the chatbot, for sure.  In this issue: Alan Turing’s spirituality (649 words) Isaac Newton’s bullies (312 words) Bill Gates’ boundaries (178 words) Alan Turing’s spirituality With all the hubbub, hullabaloo, and fluff …

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More Than Meets the AI: You ain’t never had AI friend like me

Today’s issue of More Than Meets the AI: 3 wishes for generative AI (676 words) A tribute to humanity (188 words) Love and War (39 words) 3 Wishes Whenever people talk about the future of AI, it’s always “the singularity this” and “artificial general intelligence that.” But I’m more interested in what’s happening right now …

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Why Google Search Has Nothing to Fear From ChatGPT

Since OpenAI unveiled ChatGPT to the world last November, people have wasted little time finding imaginative uses for the eerily human-like chatbot. They have used it to generate code, create Dungeons & Dragons adventures, and converse on a seemingly infinite array of topics. Now some in Silicon Valley are speculating that the masses might come …

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More than meets the AI: Dungeons & Damages

Dr. Henry Frankenstein turned to his associate, Victor Moritz, and yelled “it’s alive!” The doctor didn’t say “she’s alive,” “he’s alive,” or “they’re alive!” He said: “Look! It’s moving. It’s alive. It’s alive… It’s alive, it’s moving, it’s alive, it’s alive, it’s alive, it’s alive, it’s alive!” The word of the day is “personification.” Football …

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More than meets the AI: The ‘Nick Cave Trap’

Never offer feedback on a demo tape. You probably didn’t come to this article today to get advice from a recording studio engineer, but here we are. First, though, we need to intro today’s column. Issue #2: The Nick Cave Trap (436 words) Boston Dynamics is out of control! (144 words) A quantum rant (262 …

Go on…More than meets the AI: The ‘Nick Cave Trap’

5 reasons why you should start a mini water propagation garden today