More than meets the AI: The ultimate trust fall

Your AI chatbot name is your middle name, plus the name of the first car you owned, and your credit card number. Paypal me $25 and I’ll tell you my secret for getting total strangers to give you money. The check is in the mail.  Trust me. In this issue: The ultimate trust fall (754 …

Go on…More than meets the AI: The ultimate trust fall

Radical Self Love

  Untitled Document.   It taunts me. That empty space, begging to be filled. To be created, to become something tangible and real. Knowing it would make me feel better to just purge something onto a page, anything, just exorcise some demons.    I think I am afraid of it. Afraid of what I will …

Go on…Radical Self Love

What tf do you want?

If you’re unhappy, make a change. Sounds simple enough, right? Turns out a lot of us don’t actually want things to change. Dr David Burns explains in his book, Feeling Good Together, he tells his patients when asking for his help with their relationships, that they have three options: make a change, leave the relationship …

Go on…What tf do you want?

I reviewed this massage oil by The Butters Hygienics Company and all I got was deeper intimacy and glowing skin

Disclaimer: We no longer support these products or this company. This review remains for posterity’s sake only. All links have been removed.   Massage and touch play such prominent roles in my relationships that I was thrilled when The Butter’s Hygienics Company sent me a bottle of their Summer Honey massage oil to try out. …

Go on…I reviewed this massage oil by The Butters Hygienics Company and all I got was deeper intimacy and glowing skin

You are so much prettier when you smile

Twice in the past week I have taken photos of myself that I have been really proud of. I hesitated to share either. Why? Because I wasn’t smiling. That’s it. The lighting was great, I felt sexy, the poses were flattering, but I had a serious look on my face in both images. Obviously models …

Go on…You are so much prettier when you smile


I have really been struggling to write lately. Not because of blocks, or lack of inspiration, but so much is happening so quickly that I have too much to say and very little time to say it. Not only are our lives changing in numerous dramatic ways, I also have a two year old all …

Go on…Believing

5 reasons why you should start a mini water propagation garden today