Analysis paralysis, information overload, and you

What do you want to eat? Which song would you like to hear next? Who’s your favorite actor? Would you like sugar and cream? How many rolls of wrapping paper do we need? Which way should I turn? Please hurry, people are waiting on you.  Choose. Now. Decide. Hurry. Is this what it feels like …

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More than meets the AI: The ultimate trust fall

Your AI chatbot name is your middle name, plus the name of the first car you owned, and your credit card number. Paypal me $25 and I’ll tell you my secret for getting total strangers to give you money. The check is in the mail.  Trust me. In this issue: The ultimate trust fall (754 …

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Men are from Earth and so are women because the gendered brain is a myth

There’s as much evidence to support the idea of a “gendered brain” as there is for ghosts and a flat Earth. It’s always interesting to see which of those myths people choose to believe, which they vehemently reject, and how rare it is to find someone with an evidence-based view on all three. To be …

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Non-pathological hypersexuality for the non-lobotomized

Lobotomies were legal in the US as recently as 1967. That might sound like a long time ago, but considering only two years later we’d put humans on the Moon, it doesn’t feel like a practice that should have persisted for so long. And, yet, a cursory review of the most common reasons for lobotomizing …

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A scientific mystery: Why do people sleep better when they’re in love?

A pair of researchers from the Australian National University and the University of Helsinki recently published a fascinating paper discussing the scientific relationship between romantic love and sleep. Apparently, there’s a commonly-held belief that people experiencing romantic love sleep better than folks who aren’t. Per the duo’s paper: “Romantic love is commonly associated with a change …

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Study: Practicing self-compassion makes you a better caregiver

The concept of “self-care” isn’t necessarily a new one, but the field of research surrounding it is far from mature. Succinctly put: we’re just starting to understand the physiological ramifications of long-term exposure to stress, anxiety, and frustration. We’re in an era where most folks finally recognize the importance of self-care. By and large, we …

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Study finds ‘quarantine-related plague of anxiety’ can be mitigated with sex

A team of prestigious researchers from Rome published a fascinating study earlier this year confirming what we’ve been saying at Love is a Fetish for years: some people enjoy having sex. This might not be breaking news to anybody, but the research is intriguing. The haves and the have nots The team conducted a survey with …

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San Diego Zoo welcomes first ever avian parthenotes

  Think you know how babies are made? You sure? Because the San Diego Zoo just published peer-reviewed research demonstrating the existence of the first two known avian parthenotes. In layperson’s terms: two condors were hatched from eggs that weren’t fertilized. This form of asexual reproduction is uncommon, but it happens. We’ve just never observed it in …

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Amnesty for sapiosexuals

I’m going to share an embarrassing story. Once, not long after my internship, I was approaching a deadline, and the person I was supposed to interview emailed to let me know they couldn’t make our call. They wanted to know if we could do the interview via email. I was over the moon. As someone …

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5 reasons why you should start a mini water propagation garden today