What a piece of trash in a tree taught me about living my life

  I sat in my backyard the other morning and mindfully appreciated a rare quiet moment. The early morning breeze gently greeted my skin with a welcome good morning caress. The rumbling ocean crashed into the shore nearby. The birds sang sweetly in the tree. And then I heard it, the unmistakable crinkling of that …

Go on…What a piece of trash in a tree taught me about living my life

This Butters Hygienics face mask is a fabulous addition to any self-care routine

Disclaimer a) We no longer support these products or this company. This review remains for posterity’s sake only. All links have been removed.   I suck at taking care of myself. Really. It’s a struggle. As a working parent and a partner of two, I don’t often prioritize me. I’m working on it. So when …

Go on…This Butters Hygienics face mask is a fabulous addition to any self-care routine

5 reasons why you should start a mini water propagation garden today