When self-care meets art: A Sugar Pop Jewel review

Looking at esthetically pleasing things is good for your mental health, as is masturbation, so combining the two seems like a real winner. Meet the Jewel, a nifty little air pulse clitoral stimulator.  The Jewel is quite small, under 3 inches tall, and 2.5 inches wide. It has 7 different settings, including several patterns, controlled …

Go on…When self-care meets art: A Sugar Pop Jewel review

I reviewed this massage oil by The Butters Hygienics Company and all I got was deeper intimacy and glowing skin

Disclaimer: We no longer support these products or this company. This review remains for posterity’s sake only. All links have been removed.   Massage and touch play such prominent roles in my relationships that I was thrilled when The Butter’s Hygienics Company sent me a bottle of their Summer Honey massage oil to try out. …

Go on…I reviewed this massage oil by The Butters Hygienics Company and all I got was deeper intimacy and glowing skin

5 reasons why you should start a mini water propagation garden today