Beside myself: The Quantum Slalom

First things first: read the headline out loud. In doing so, you’ll likely have no choice but to become self-aware for a brief moment as you ponder how you sound saying those words. They don’t exactly roll right off the tongue. The point of this article is to teach you something you’ve already been taught: …

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Love your art – Love Yourself! newsletter

I struggle with self-doubt and comparison, often getting stuck in the headspace of thinking there are so many artists and creators out there, what could I possibly have to offer the world? Sometimes I have trouble thinking of reasons why anyone would care about what I have to say or create if there are people saying …

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More Than Meets the AI: How alive is alive enough?

I’m alive, I’m alive, I’m not alive, I’m Maroon 5. Whoops, sorry for that gibberish. We’re not sure how that got in here. Other than, you know, the fact that a human pretty much had to type it. Ahem. Cough. Cough.  In this issue:  -Moving goalposts (504 words) -How alive is alive enough? (463 words) …

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More than meets the AI: The chatbots are here. Now what?

Bing plus ChatGPT! Google and Bard! Baidu and … uhh.. Ernie bot? Okay. Sure. Baidu and Ernie bot! 2023 is the year of the chatbot, for sure.  In this issue: Alan Turing’s spirituality (649 words) Isaac Newton’s bullies (312 words) Bill Gates’ boundaries (178 words) Alan Turing’s spirituality With all the hubbub, hullabaloo, and fluff …

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More than meets the AI: Past is prescient

Today’s issue is brought to you by: it’s Monday and I made it out of bed, isn’t that good enough? In this issue: STEMPH (252 words) Pro bono publico (288) I need money (179 words)  STEMPH Here’s an argument someone should have made a few centuries ago: history and philosophy should be included in the …

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More than meets the AI: Are you there AI? It’s me, Tristan

There’s an old song by Tears for Fears about how everybody wants to rule the world… but I can’t remember what it’s called. Anyway, I think we’re learning that Orzabal and Smith might have been dead wrong about our species. In this issue: Most of us don’t want to rule the world (292 words) AI …

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More than Meets the AI: 3 super simple pre-AGI unicorn ideas

Pssst. Hey you! C’mere. You wanna get rich? I’m selling AI unicorns. Don’t worry, the first one’s free. In this issue, three human-centered “Pre-AGI” startup ideas that should be possible well before artificial general intelligence: Kinetic barriers (257 words) A playing field leveler (158 words) Autonomous agriculture communes (385 words) Kinetic barriers Pitch: Have you …

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More than meets the AI: Jumping the whale

Ahh! Screaming noises! Fear! Running around in circles waving my hands above my head! Ahhhhh! In this issue… the world ends! Google is dead! Jumping the whale (48 words) Graduating medical school with the highest GPA (685 words) Emergent abilities in LLMs (78 words) Jumping the Whale Let’s play Jeopardy! Answer: A phrase describing a …

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More than meets the AI: Hang the Devs

This issue of More Than Meets The AI is brought to you by panic. Panic on the streets of London. Panic on the streets of Birmingham. Panic on the streets of Carlisle, Dublin, Dundee, and Humberside. Hang the Developers (367 words) That’s AImore! (146 words) I haven’t seen it (304 words) Hang the AI developers …

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Why Google Search Has Nothing to Fear From ChatGPT

Since OpenAI unveiled ChatGPT to the world last November, people have wasted little time finding imaginative uses for the eerily human-like chatbot. They have used it to generate code, create Dungeons & Dragons adventures, and converse on a seemingly infinite array of topics. Now some in Silicon Valley are speculating that the masses might come …

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5 reasons why you should start a mini water propagation garden today