Analysis paralysis, information overload, and you

What do you want to eat? Which song would you like to hear next? Who’s your favorite actor? Would you like sugar and cream? How many rolls of wrapping paper do we need? Which way should I turn? Please hurry, people are waiting on you.  Choose. Now. Decide. Hurry. Is this what it feels like …

Go on…Analysis paralysis, information overload, and you

Love Yourself! newsletter # 11 – It’s our joy and we need it now!

Do you remember that old JG Wentworth commercial, where the people are yelling “it’s my money and I need it now!”? That’s how I feel about joy in my life. I’m trying to stop feeling like I have to earn my joy. I’m not talking about using things I enjoy as a positive motivator like getting a smoothie …

Go on…Love Yourself! newsletter # 11 – It’s our joy and we need it now!

Love Yourself! newsletter # 10 – Welcome to the propagation station of self-love

How many (alive) plants do you have in your home right now? I’ve never considered myself someone with a “green thumb.” I get easily distracted and overwhelmed, and plants are the first thing in my life to get neglected, which is fine, they’re just plants, but I do care about them and they often bring …

Go on…Love Yourself! newsletter # 10 – Welcome to the propagation station of self-love

Love Yourself! newsletter #9 – Embrace “good enough”

Good Enough I’ve really struggled to get this edition of the newsletter published, ironically, since its whole theme was intended to be “good enough is good.” I’ve gone through waves of procrastination, finally getting everything put together except for this intro. I started it a dozen times and sat at my keyboard with disorganized static …

Go on…Love Yourself! newsletter #9 – Embrace “good enough”

Game theory for self actuation

How do I access the version of myself that makes the best decisions? Game theory is a math-related concept that, generally speaking, has nothing to do with “games” or “gaming.” At its core, it uses probabilities and equations to solve challenges involving multiple intelligent bodies. A simple way of looking at it: game theory helps …

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Practice self-compassion and get some rest

A lack of sleep and proper rest can make your depression and anxiety symptoms worse, or make it harder to manage ADHD difficulties. Allowing your body the rest it requires affects things such as your heart health, insulin levels, and reducing the risk of heart attack and diabetes. It also affects your ability to heal …

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Practical tips for taking up space

No one has any more right to space than you do.  That may sound obvious, but it doesn’t come naturally for some of us to take up space due to various reasons such as trauma, anxiety, neurodiversity, etc. Whatever the reason you struggle with taking up space, there are small but significant steps you can …

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Plant propagation: Turning trash into edible decorations

I freaking love growing plants in my kitchen using water propagation. It gives me a little dose of omg look how cool and cute and magical this is! daily dopamine until I lose interest, it dies and it’s not a big deal so I toss them and start over. Not only do I get to …

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Lingerie isn’t always about sex

Currently I am camped out on the couch in the living room with my laptop feeling rather crummy. I’m eating a bowl of straight up comfort food under a fuzzy pink blanket.    What I’m wearing though? Fishnets and a soft, pretty cotton dress. The same fishnets in these photos I took this morning before …

Go on…Lingerie isn’t always about sex

5 reasons why you should start a mini water propagation garden today