Study: Autistic individuals 3-9 times more likely to be bi, ace, or gay

    Here’s something only a non-autistic person would find surprising: autistic folks are much, much more likely to identify as queer than so-called neurotypicals. Well, let’s not get ahead of ourselves. It’s disclaimer time: We haven’t seen any peer-reviewed research yet, but we did find this interesting article in US News (an outlet we weren’t previously familiar …

Go on…Study: Autistic individuals 3-9 times more likely to be bi, ace, or gay

I'm queer enough. So are you.

I’m queer enough. So are you.

      Pride month is only three weeks away, and that means it’s time for people like me to get defensive about who we are. I’m queer. But am I queer enough? Am I pansexual enough? Am I demisexual enough? Who gets to decide? I’m on the asexual spectrum. Like all things human, asexuality …

Go on…I’m queer enough. So are you.

5 reasons why you should start a mini water propagation garden today