I’ve got nothing but love for Champagne Problems by Butters Hygienics

Disclaimer a) We no longer support these products or this company. This review remains for posterity’s sake only. All links have been removed.

I got the opportunity to check out a roll-on perfume from the beautiful folks at Butters Hygienics  and it was an all-around delightful experience. The name, Champagne Problems seemed quite appropriate for my particular situation. Yes, we are still practicing social distancing and safety practices, buuuut, I am doing it directly on the beach, so there’s that. 


This perfume came at the perfect time for me. I didn’t even realize until I received, opened and smelled it that I hadn’t bought myself any perfume in at least two years. Since we moved to Mexico, we haven’t really had the opportunity to go anywhere, and then, you know, Covid, so I hadn’t even thought about it. Immediately, I dabbed some behind my ears and on my wrists and it was an instant mood lift. It smells bright, fresh, and a little sweet, with layers of apple and pear that make me think of Spring and Summer. As the perfume wears a bit, the subtle hint of berries comes through and it’s all just a fabulous combination of scents. It lasted all day, and many times, I would forget I was wearing it until I moved my arm and caught a delicate whiff and it made me smile. 



I’ve talked alot about scent and how it can be tied to memories and be a tool for relaxation but it can also just be something to enjoy. A small addition to lift your spirits and treat your senses. And it’s an easy self-care tool. Putting on makeup almost always lifts my mood, but it’s a process, and one I dont always feel like taking on. Dabbing on a bit of perfume takes seconds. Seconds! Even the most depressed of us could probably manage a few seconds of effort for a little bit of light or relief. 


Next time you feel extra down and just need an instant pick me up, try reaching for a favorite familiar scent, or try something new like I did. You might be pleasantly surprised by the results.

Type loveisafetish into the affiliate/discount code section at checkout and save 15% on your order, plus I get a few cents all because of you! 



  • Nikki

    Nikki is a photographer, writer, artist, and advocate of radical self-love. She writes about mental health, gaming, sex, and inclusivity.

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